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5. O fim da vida

5.10. Bibliografia

1. Consensus Norms for Palliative Care of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Europe, (2015).

2. Tuffrey-Wijne I, McLaughlin D, Curfs L, Dusart A, Hoenger C, McEnhill L, et al. Defining consensus norms for palliative care of people with intellectual disabilities in Europe, using Delphi methods: A White Paper from the European Association of Palliative Care. Palliative Medicine. 2015:10.

3. The European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC,) Definition of palliative care 1998. Available from: 


4: “How to break bad news to people with intellectual disabilities”. Amanda Cresswell. BreakingBadNewsID. Publised 15. Okt. 2012:

5: “How to break bad news to people with intellectual disabilities/introduction” Dr Irene Tuffrey-Wijne (St George's University of London). BreakingBadNewsID. Publihed 15. Okt. 2012:

6. “How to break bad news to people with ID”. Gary Butler. BreakingBadNewsID, publised 15. Okt. 2012:

7. “The Grieving Process: Coping with Death”. Watchwellcast, publised 7. Mar. 2013.