Saúde Sexual e Deficiência Intelectual
2. Liberdade individual, proteção jurídica e autodeterminação
2.6. Bibliografia do capítulo 2
1. Rettsikkerhet Bufdir
2. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD); 2006.
3. Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet (2016).Strategi for seksuell helse - Snakk om det! .
4. I NOU 2016:17 «På lik linje»
5. Graugaard, C.,(2001). ”Sexleksikon fra Abe til Aarestrup”. Rosinante forlag, 2001.
6. International Planned Parenthood Federation. 2008. Sexual rights: an IPPF declaration.
7. World Health Organization. “Sexual and Reproductive Health: Defining Sexual Health.”
8. Vildalen, S. (2014) seksualitetens betydning for utvikling
og relasjoner. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk.
9. Bay- Hansen, J. (2014) Conversation about sexuality. Sygeplejersken, 2014, Vol.114(9).
10. Gustavsson, A. (1999) Utviklingsstörningens sociala innebörder och förståelseformer. I Magnus Tideman (red) Handikapp, synsätt, principer, perspektiv(47-66) Stocholm: Johansson & Skyttermo Förlag
11. Wolfensberger, W. (1992). A brief introduction to social role valorization. A high order concept for structuring human services. Syracuse, New York: Wolf Wolfensberger.
12. Hellzen, O., Haugenes, M., & Østby, M. (2018) International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being Volume 13, 2018 - Issue
13. SUMO rapporten
14. Schalock, R. L., et al., (2007) The Renaming of Mental Retardation: Understanding the Change to the Term Intellectual Disability
15. Tarnai, B & Wolfe, P. S. (2008). Social Stories for Sexuality Education for Persons with Autism/Pervasive Developmental Disorder
16. Clements, Clare & Ezelle, 1995
17. Norway: Helse – og omsorgsdepartementet (2016): Snakk om det! Strategi for seksuell helse, 2017 – 2022.'
18. Finland: The action programme for the promotion of sexual and reproductive health in 2014–2020
19. WHO_BZgA_Standards_English.pdf _English.pdf (The Standards are available for download in the following languages)
20. South Eastern CASA, Center against sexual assault & family violence.
21. Nirje, B. (1985). "The Normalization Principle and Its Human Management Implications". In R. B. Kugel and W. Wolfenberger (Red). Changing patterens in residential services for the mentally retarded. President`s Committee on Mental Retardation, Washington DC, page 179-195.
62. WAS
78. Hva er nedsatt funksjonsnedsettelse Bufdir
79. Hva er utviklingshemming Bufdir
Bibliografia complementar:Barnard-Brak, L., Schmidt, M., Chesnut, S., Wei, T. & Richman, D. (2014) Predictors of Access to Sex Education for Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Public Schools. Intellectual and developmental disabilities Vol. 52, No. 2, s. 85 – 97 file:///D:/moin29051/Documents/HIOA/VSEXO/oppgaveskriving/litteratur%20oppgave/Pred ictorsOfAccessToSexEducationForChildrenWithIDinPublicSchools.pdf
Dalen, M. & Ogden T. (2008) Spesialpedagogikk og spesialpedagogiske tiltak. I Ogden, T & Rygvold, A.L. (Red.) Innføring i spesialpedagogikk. (s. 383 – 412) Oslo: Gyldendal Norske Forlag
Doyle, J. (2008) Improving sexual health education for young people with learning disabilities. Paediatric nursing vol 20 no 4, 26 – 28 Hentet fra: file:///D:/moin29051/Documents/HIOA/VSEXO/oppgaveskriving/litteratur%20oppgave/Imp rovingSexualHealthEducationForYoungPeopleWithLearningDisabilities.pdf
Frawley, P. og Wilson, N.J. (2016). Young People with Intellectual Disability Talking About Sexuality Education and Information. Springer science.
Fjeld, W. (2009). Mennesker med utviklingshemning og seksualitet. Hvordan undervise og veilede? 03 Spesialpedagogikk, 28 – 37 2009/spesialpedagogikk-3-2009.pdf
Funksjonsnedsettelse /Hva er utviklingshemming Bufdir
Harader, D.L., Fullwood, Ph.D.L.,Hawthorne, M.S. (2009). Sexuality Among Adolescents with Moderate Disbilities – Promoting Positive Sexual Development. 17-20. Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet. Strategi for seksuell helse (2017 – 2022) uell_helse.pdf
Nirje, B. (1985). "The Basis and Logic of the Normalization Principle". Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities, vol 11, nr. 2.
Nirje, B. (1970). "The Normalization Principle- Implications and Comments". British Journal of Mental Subnormality. Birmingham page 45-53.
Nordström, B. Red. (2018) Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga (Nka) 2018:1 Hälsa för barn och unga med flerfunktionsnedsätting ISBN 978-91-87731-52-5
Ogden, T. & Rygvold A.L. (2008) Spesialpedagogisk praksis. I Ogden, T & Rygvold, A.L. (Red.) Innføring i spesialpedagogikk. (s. 15 – 36) Oslo: Gyldendal Norske Forlag
Trankjær, H. (2015) Sexologi Månedsskrift for august 2015.
Zachariassen, P. (2003). Kartlegging av kunnskaper om seksualitet hos mennesker med psykisk utviklingshemning. Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening, 40 (2), 102-108. Hentet fra:]
Páginas da WEB:
WHO standards
Pdf of Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe. Se Sexuality education matrix:
The Standards are available for download in different languages.
-Sexual Development South Eastern CASA, Center against sexual assault & family violence.
Age appropriate sexual behaviour in children and young people
Relatório: Status of sexuality education in Europe and Central Asia
WHO European Region following the publication of two previous separate reports by BZgA and IPPF EN in 2006. Different country profiles
WHO standards
- Report: Status of sexuality education in Europe and Central Asia
- The country profiles