La santé sexuelle

2. Liberté individuelle, sécurité juridique et autodétermination

2.5. Références

1.         Willard EOG. Sexology as the Philosophy of Life, implying Social organisation and Government. Chicago: J.R.Walch; 1867 [cited 2018. Available from:

2.         Bay-Hansen J. Conversation about sexuality. Sygeplejersken [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2018; (9):[77-85 pp.]. Available from:

3.         Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), World Association for Sexual Health (WAS), World Health Organisation (WHO). Sexual and reproductive health: WHO; 2006 [cited 2018. Available from:

4.         World Assosication for Sexual Health (WAS). Declaration of Sexual Rights: WAS; 1999 [cited 2018. 2014:[Available from:

5.         Graugaard C. Sexleksikon: Fra abe til aarestrup. København: Rosinante Forlag; 2001. p. 596.

6.         Vildalen S. Seksualitetens betydning for utvikling og relasjoner. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk; 2014.

7.         Clements J, Clare I, Ezelle LA. Real men, real women, real lives? Gender issues in learning disabilities and challenging behaviour. . Disability & Society [Internet]. 1995; 10(4):[425-35 pp.]. Available from:

8.         Gustavsson A. Utviklingsstörningens sociala innebörder och förståelseformer. In: Tideman M, editor. Handikapp, synsätt, principer, perspektiv. Stocholm: Johansson & Skyttermo Förlag; 1999. p. 47-66.

9.         Wolfensberger W. A brief introduction to Social Role Valorization as a high-order concept for structuring human services. Syracuse, editor. New York: Training Institute for Human Service Planning, Leadership and Change Agentry (Syracuse University); 1992.

10.       Hellzen O, Haugenes M, Østby M. ‘It’s my home and your work’: the views of a filmed vignette describing a challenging everyday situation from the perspective of people with intellectual disabilities. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being [Internet]. 2018; 13(1). Available from:

11.       Oslo Universitetssykehus/Ullevål/Avdeling for nevrohabilitering, Habiliteringstjenesten i Hedmark, Vaksenhabiliteringa i Sogn og Fjordane, Voksenhabiliteringen Finnmark. Etablering av rutiner for forebygging, varsling og oppfølging ved overgrep mot mennesker med psykisk utviklingshemming Oslo2013 [141]. Available from:

12.       Schalock RL, Luckasson RA, Shogren KA, Borthwick-Duffy S, Bradley V, Buntinx WHE, et al. The Renaming of Mental Retardation: Understanding the Change to the Term Intellectual Disability. Perspectives [Internet]. 2007; 45(2):[116-24 pp.]. Available from:

13.       Tarnai B, Wolfe PS. Social stories for sexuality education for persons with autism/pervasive developmental disorder2008; 26(1):[29-36 pp.]. Available from:

14.       Klemetti R, Raussi-Lehto E. Promote, prevent, influence. The action programme for the promotion of sexual and reproductive health in 2014–2020 Helsinki, Finland: National Institute for Health and Welfare; 2018. Available from:

15.       WHO Regional Office for Europe, the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA), the members of the European Expert Group on Sexuality Education. Standards in Sexuality Education Cologne: Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, BZgA [Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)]; 2010 [Christine Winkelmann:[68]. Available from:

16.       Anderson K, Baker RB. Ask Lara [2D Animated]. BBC Learning, TV Catalunya, VPRO Holland; 2011 [Target audience: 8-12 year]. Available from:

17.       International technical guidance on sexuality education. An evidence-informed approach [Internet]. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 2018. Available from:

18.       German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA). Sexuality and Education in Europe and Central Asia. State of Art and Recent Development Köln: BZgA; 2018 [Available from:

19.       Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet. Snakk om det! Strategi for seksuell helse (2017–2022). Oslo, Norway: Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet; 2016. Available from:

20.       Helfferich C, Heidke B. Country Papers on Youth Sex Education in Europe. Cologne: Federal Centre for Health Education, BZgA; 2006. Available from:

21.       Remme A. Sex som funker. Unges erfaringer med seksualitet og funksjonsevne. Oslo, Norway: Unge Funksjonshemmede og Helsedirektoratet; 2017.

22.       Baxley DL, Zendell A. Sexuality Education for Children and Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities, an Instuctional Manual for Parents and Caregivers of and Individuals with Developmental Disabiliteis. Sexuality Across the Lifespan. Florida: Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc.; 2005 [cited 2018. Available from:

23.       South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault & Family Violence (CASA). Age Appropriate Sexual Behaviours in Children and Young People. Information for carers, professionals and the general public. East Bentleigh, Australia: South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault & Family Violence (SECASA) 2017. Available from:



Additional literature:

Barnard-Brak, L., Schmidt, M., Chesnut, S., Wei, T. & Richman, D. Predictors of Access to Sex Education for Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Public Schools. Intellectual and developmental disabilities Vol. 52, No. 2, s. 85 – 97; 2014 

Doyle, J. Improving sexual health education for young people with learning disabilities. Pediatric Nursing vol 20 no 4, 26 – 28; 2008.

Frawley, P. & Wilson, N.J. Young People with Intellectual Disability Talking About Sexuality Education and Information. Springer science; 2016.

Harader, D.L., Fullwood, L., Hawthorne, M.S. (2009).Sexuality Among Adolescents with Moderate Disabilities – Promoting Positive Sexual Development. 17-20