La santé sexuelle
3. Coopération
3.4. Références
1. Annon J, S. The PLISSIT Model: a proposed conceptual scheme for the behavioural treatment of sexual problems. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy. 1976;2(1):1–15.
2. Lemmon VA, Mizes JS. Effectiveness of exposure therapy: A case study of posttraumatic stress disorder and mental retardation. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 2002;9(4):317–23.
3. Vildalen S, Langfeldt T. Seksualitetens betydning for utvikling og relasjoner : med utgangspunkt i Thore Langfeldts tenkning og arbeid. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk; 2014.
4. Barne/ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet (Bufdir). Selvbestemmelse og brukermedvirkning Tønsberg: Bufdir; 2016 [updated 02. 05. 2017. Available from:
5. Tveiten S. Den vet best hvor skoen trykker- : om veiledning i empowermentprosessen. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget; 2007.
6. Holden B. Vurdering av kapittel 9 i khol når det gjelder seksualisert atferd. Nettverk: funksjonshemmede, Seksualitet og samliv (NFSS): NFSS; 2018.
Additional literature:
Newman K, Helzner JF. IPPF Charter on Sexual and Reproductive Rights.
International Planned Parenthood Federation. Journal of women’s health &
gender-based medicine. 1999;8(4):459–63.
Melanie. Nind. What is inclusive research? London: Bloomsbury Academic; 2014.
Horne, S., Eknes, J. NOU - om rettigheter for mennesker med utviklingshemming. SOR
rapport. 2016;62(6):2–5.
Snakk om det! Strategi for seksuell helse (2017–2022) [Internet]. Helse- og
omsorgsdepartementet; 2016. Available at:
Strnadová I, Walmsley J. Peer‐reviewed articles on inclusive research: Do
co‐researchers with intellectual disabilities have a voice? Journal of Applied
Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 2018;31(1):132–41.
Jan Walmsley, Kelley Johnson. Inclusive research with people with learning
disabilities : past, present, and futures. London: J. Kingsley;