Seksuel sundhed
3. Samarbejde
3.4. Referencer
References topic 2
8. Vildalen, S. (2014) Seksualitetens betydning for utvikling og relasjoner. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk.
19. WHO_BZgA_Standards_English.pdf _English.pdf (The Standards are available for download in the following languages)
22. Lemmon and Mizes (2002). Effectiveness of exposure therapy: A case study of posttraumatic stress disorder and mental retardation
23.. Annon, J.: The PLISSIT Model: a proposed conceptual scheme for the behavioural treatment of sexual problems. J. Sex Educ. Ther. 2(1), 1–15 (1976)
24.. Selvbestemmelse og brukermedvirkning Bufdir
25. Tveiten, S. (2007). Den vet best hvor skoen trykker- : om veiledning i empowermentprosessen. Fagbokforlaget Bergen
26. CRPD konvensjonen
27. Faghefte Hedmark, (2013)
28. B. Holden, Habiliteringstjenesten I Sykehuset innlandet, Norway. NFSS
29. IPPF rettigheter
Extra topic 2:
Kramer, J.M., Kramer, J.C., Garcia-Iriarte, E., Hammel, J. (2011). Following Through to the End: The Use of Inclusive Strategies to Analyse and Interpret Data in Participatory Action Research with Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Applied research in Intellectual Disabilities, 24 (3)
Nind, M. (2014). What is inclusive research? Bloomsbury.
NOU 2016:17 «På lik linje»
Seksuell helse beskrives i rapporten ”Strategi for seksuell helse” (Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet i 2016).
Strnadova, Iva & Walmsley, Jan (2017). Peer- reviewed articles on inclusive research: Do co-researchers with intellectual disabilities have a voice? J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2018;31:132–141.
Vildalen, S. (2014) Seksualitetens betydning for utvikling og relasjoner. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk.
Walmsley, J. and K. Johnson. (2003). Inclusive Research with People with Disabilities: Past, Present and Futures. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
World Health Organization. “Sexual and Reproductive Health: Defining Sexual Health.”
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
Myndighet för delaktighet
Hjelp - Hvem skal bestemme
Taylor, B. & Davis , S. (2007) The Extended PLISSIT Model for Addressing the Sexual
Wellbeing of Individuals with an Acquired Disability or Chronic Illness
Barstad, B. (2006): ”Seksualitet og utviklingshemming”. Universitetsforlaget. Oslo.
Vildalen, S. (2014) Seksualitetens betydning for utvikling og relasjoner. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk.